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Here is some useful information about the Regional Museum of Natural History in Mysore

Mysore : Museums in Mysore : Regional Museum of Natural History Mysore

Regional Museum of Natural History Mysore

Another attraction in the historical city of Mysore is the Regional Museum of Natural History that was inaugurated on 20th May 1995. The museum is located on the banks of the Karanji Lake with the Chamundi hills as its backdrop. This museum gives its visitors an opportunity to explore and understand nature and the natural world. The museum uses models, audio-visual aids, and thematic, interactive and participatory exhibits to help the visitor understand the natural world. These exhibits make learning an interesting and enjoyable experience.

Another attraction in the historical city of Mysore is the Regional Museum of Natural History that was inaugurated on 20th May 1995. The museum is located on the banks of the Karanji Lake with the Chamundi hills as its backdrop. This museum gives its visitors an opportunity to explore and understand nature and the natural world. The museum uses models, audio-visual aids, and thematic, interactive and participatory exhibits to help the visitor understand the natural world. These exhibits make learning an interesting and enjoyable experience

The main objectives of the Museum are:

1. To provide information about the fauna, flora and geological wealth of south India.
2. To inform visitors of the ecological interrelationship among plants and animals and highlighting the importance of conservation nature and natural resources.
3. To provide students with an out of school facility on curriculum based studies in biology and geology with special emphasis on the environmental aspect.
4. To develop programmes to increase environmental awareness among the common people.

Exhibit galleries: The museum has exhibit galleries dealing with Biological Diversity, Life through the Ages, Ecology, Conservation for Development and Man and the Environment.

Biological Diversity:
This gallery deals with an overview of the biodiversity of South India, with special reference to the Western Ghats. This section deals with basic concepts of natural history, plants and animals and some endangered species of plants and animals and with the geography and geology of the southern region. It also deals with the rain forest, wetlands and mangrove forest and ends with a huge exhibit against the willful destruction of nature.

Life through the Ages:
This section deals with the evolution of man. This is presented in an interesting manner through a walk-through tunnel, where the evolution of man is depicted in the tunnel and the tunnel ends with the evolution of modern man.

Discovery Centre:
This is the interactive section of the museum, where visitors can choose one or many of the activities provided. This section consists of the Discovery Room, Computer Room, Vivarium and a mini Weather Station.

Discovery Room In this room visitors can handle, examine and study specimens. It has a mini theater, a bioscience lab and a sound both etc. This room allows children to learn things in a creative manner.

Bioscience Computer Room:
This room is meant for high school and college students as it allows them to understand biology-using computers. The Multimedia facility makes learning a new experience as visitors learn about nature using interactive facilities. The exhibits that are displayed in the museum are a good combination of models and audio visual aids. The museum authorities periodically organize workshops relating to protecting the environment, preservation of wildlife and camps for students and nature enthusiasts. They also arrange film shows on topics related to natural history. Admission to the museum is free.

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