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Read about using local transport for getting around Mysore.

Mysore : Local Transport in Mysore

Local Transport in Mysore

Mysore has played an important role in the history of South India from ancient times. Hence there are number monuments in the city that represent this rich cultural heritage. Mysore is known for its splendid palaces and magnificent temples. These monuments are spread in and around modern Mysore. While visiting Mysore you will have to travel to these places. Given below is information about the local transport available in Mysore to commute to the various tourist attractions.

Auto Rickshaws
This is the most reliable and accessible mode of transport in the city. In the day pay by the meter. After 10pm the drives will charge you 50% more than the meter reading and after midnight you will have to pay twice the meter reading.

Private Taxis
There are private taxis available that you can hire for a day. There are a number of Car rental companies. Most hotels provide this service; therefore you can check with your hotel. This mode of transport is reliable and affordable.

Buses run by the State Government ply in and around Mysore. They ply along fixed routes and the cost is nominal. If you want to be part of the everyday life of the common Mysorean then hop onto one of these buses and you could have quite an adventure.

Tongas are horse driven carts that are also means of transport in Mysore. They will take you around the city but at slow and steady pace. If you want a close look at the city and catch some rare sights that you would not otherwise see then you could try this mode of transport.

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